We produce clean hydrogen.
We enable domestic graphite production.
We eliminate CO2 emissions.
We keep American energy moving forward.

Our mission is to make the carbon in natural gas an asset instead of a liability. Our technology breaks hydrocarbons into hydrogen and solid carbon so that the value of each product can be independently maximized.
We developed our own improved version of methane pyrolysis.

Efficient, scalable, profitable.
Our process uses very little electricity, can be deployed at world-scale, and does not require government subsidies to be profitable.
Versatile, low-energy solutions.
Our technology can be sited anywhere that natural gas or LNG are available, without the need to source renewable electricity or sequester carbon dioxide.

The hydrogen and graphite produced by our process can be used in multiple industrial applications.
Clean hydrogen

Hydrogen is a $100B global commodity used in refining and ammonia synthesis, and it has the potential to decarbonize an array of other applications like electrical generation, process heat and transportation.
Clean hydrogen
Hydrogen is a $100B global commodity used in refining and ammonia synthesis, and it has the potential to decarbonize an array of other applications like electrical generation, process heat and transportation.
Solid carbon

Graphitic Energy’s solid carbon can enter the graphite value chain at multiple points, including in the steel making process. It can be transported at extremely low cost via existing rail and sea infrastructure.
Solid carbon
Graphitic Energy’s solid carbon can enter the graphite value chain at multiple points, including in the steel making process. It can be transported at extremely low cost via existing rail and sea infrastructure.